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Science together

Get involved in citizen science


The collective intelligence challenge

Collaborative endeavors between scientists and civil society stakeholders have developed significantly in recent years. This growth is driven by public interest in the scientific approach and culture, as well as by the need to find solutions to complex issues (economic, social, health, environmental, cultural, educational and ethical). Digital technology has helped foster the development of this type of collaboration, drawing on both artificial and collective intelligence.

Citizen science relies on cooperation and public participation to produce knowledge in a manner that approaches the scientific, ethical, legal and technology issues of research from a broader perspective.

Finding answers together has thus become the great collective intelligence challenge of the 21st century.

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News & events

Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Une nouvelle vague de l'Appel à Projet Recherches Participatives 2 (émergence) vient d'être publiée par l'ANR.Cet AAP vise, comme le précédent ouvert en 2023, à accompagner la maturation de projets en émergence sur une durée de 12 à 18 mois avec un financement maximal de 100k€ par projet.Date limite de ...

Appel à projet
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Sciences et Recherches Participatives à l'ASU

Sciences et Recherches Participatives à l'ASU

Et si chaque citoyen et citoyenne pouvait contribuer à faire avancer les sciences et la recherche ? Comment constituer des communautés externes et les mobiliser sur des questions de recherche ? Les projets de sciences et recherches participatives sont-ils un levier pour mieux engager la société dans les défis mondiaux ...

Colloque - Séminaire
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BiblioJazz Science and music Science and music


Le catalogue numérique des écrits sur le jazz

BiblioJazz est un catalogue numérique des écrits sur le jazz, international et participatif, réunissant des listes de périodiques et fonds d'archives, et plus de 7900 références de livres, d’articles de journaux, de magazines et de sites web.


• Proposer une nouvelle référence d'un livre, article de journal, de magazine… • Modifier une référence bibliographique existante • Ajouter un lien internet d'un site web proposant le texte d'une référence

Project created

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Les Herbonautes Biodiversity Biodiversity

Les Herbonautes

L'herbier numérique collaboratif citoyen

Contribuer à la création d'une base de données scientifique à partir des millions de photos des plantes de l'herbier de Paris et du réseau national des collections naturalistes françaises (Récolnat).

Les Herbonautes

A partir d'une plateforme en ligne, l'enjeu principal est d'identifier et transcrire les informations repérées sur les images des herbiers numériques. Les contributeurs, appelés herbonautes rassemble une communauté depuis 10 ans des professionnels ou non, des amateurs de botanique, géographie, etc.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC) Biodiversity Biodiversity

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC)

Wintering bird survey

Assess the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of winter populations of common birds.

Suivi Hivernal des Oiseaux Communs (SHOC)

Standardized counts of common birds

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

BIRDLAB Biodiversity Biodiversity


BIRDLAB is a citizen’s observatory that aims to study bird behavior at the feeder in winter. Participation is via a game played on a smartphone or tablet.


Participate from a garden, a balcony or a deck by installing two feeders and by watching the birds as they come and go at the feeders using the BirdLab app.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

SPIPOLL Biodiversity Biodiversity


Photographic monitoring of pollinating insects

SPIPOLL aims to obtain qualitative and quantitative data to better understand how pollinating and/or flower-visiting insect communities interact with flowers.


Participants carry out standardized photographic inventories of all invertebrate activity at a flowering plant station. The protocol requires only interest in insects or plants and basic observation skills.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Lichens GO Biodiversity Biodiversity

Lichens GO

Observe the lichens in town to follow the evolution of air quality.

Lichens GO is a monitoring of lichens growing on trees in cities to better understand the ecology of these organisms and their sensitivity to air pollution.

Lichens GO

Locate three straight trees. Observe the lichens on their trunks and determine them with the Lichens GO key (available on the site) Enter your observation data and participate in the construction of knowledge on these organisms and on air quality!

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

PARTICIP-ARC Heritage - culture - society Heritage - culture - society


Recherche Culturelle et Sciences Participatives

To bring together the community of actors in cultural research and citizen sciences, to mutualize methods and tools, to explore together, to allow collaborations and to innovate in citizen sciences in the field of culture.


Thematic meetings and seminars to deal with the technical, legal and organizational aspects of citizen science projects in the field of culture. Deployment and visibility of the network: communication strategy, new members, feeding a web site.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

Protocole Papillons Gestionnaires Biodiversity Biodiversity

Protocole Papillons Gestionnaires

Butterfly monitoring for green space managers

Monitoring of butterflies in green spaces by professional gardeners to measure changes in populations and assess the impact of management practices on butterflies

Protocole Papillons Gestionnaires

Observers conduct timed species counts (ten-minute counts along a transect) three times a year (June, July, August) to identify and count the butterflies they observe.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Once a month

Français de nos Régions Languages ​​and IT Languages ​​and IT

Français de nos Régions

Français de nos Régions

The project aims to document variations of the French language spoken around the world from a linguistic geography perspective.

Français de nos Régions

Internet users are invited to participate in “language vitality” surveys. The survey results can be viewed as labeled maps on a blog. The blog posts are shared on social media, which in turn helps recruit new participants

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Once a quarter