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Science together

Get involved in citizen science


The collective intelligence challenge

Collaborative endeavors between scientists and civil society stakeholders have developed significantly in recent years. This growth is driven by public interest in the scientific approach and culture, as well as by the need to find solutions to complex issues (economic, social, health, environmental, cultural, educational and ethical). Digital technology has helped foster the development of this type of collaboration, drawing on both artificial and collective intelligence.

Citizen science relies on cooperation and public participation to produce knowledge in a manner that approaches the scientific, ethical, legal and technology issues of research from a broader perspective.

Finding answers together has thus become the great collective intelligence challenge of the 21st century.

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News & events

Festival Va Savoir!

Festival Va Savoir!

Le festival Va Savoir! se tiendra du vendredi 25 au dimanche 27 octobre 2024 à Montpellier et permettra à toutes et à tous de découvrir de nombreux programmes de disciplines diverses à travers animations, balades, expositions, jeux-escape game et soirée concert.Retrouvez le programme du festival sur www.festival-vasavoir.fr.Événement gratuit, accessible à ...

Colloque - Séminaire
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Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Appel à projet Recherches participatives - émergence

Une nouvelle vague de l'Appel à Projet Recherches Participatives 2 (émergence) vient d'être publiée par l'ANR.Cet AAP vise, comme le précédent ouvert en 2023, à accompagner la maturation de projets en émergence sur une durée de 12 à 18 mois avec un financement maximal de 100k€ par projet.Date limite de ...

Appel à projet
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Observatoire des Bourdons Biodiversity Biodiversity

Observatoire des Bourdons

Garden bumblebees monitoring

Observatoire des Bourdons aims to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on bumblebees to better understand the impact of global changes on these pollinating insects.

Observatoire des Bourdons

Participants carry out inventories of bumblebees in their gardens or on their balconies, noting the maximum number of individuals seen together for each species. At the end of each week of observation, the data are entered on the observatory website.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case

Vigie-Terre Astronomy - geology Astronomy - geology


Vigie-Terre is a citizen science project under development at the French National Museum of Natural History that objectives to allow volunteers to report and describe fresh, visible outcrops.


An online reporting protocol has been developed to locate and describe a fresh outcrop and allow geologists scattered throughout the territory to assess the geological interest of the site.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

Vigie-Flore Biodiversity Biodiversity


Common flora monitoring

Assess the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of common plant populations.


Standardized counts of common plants

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

PARTICIP-ARC Heritage - culture - society Heritage - culture - society


Recherche Culturelle et Sciences Participatives

To bring together the community of actors in cultural research and citizen sciences, to mutualize methods and tools, to explore together, to allow collaborations and to innovate in citizen sciences in the field of culture.


Thematic meetings and seminars to deal with the technical, legal and organizational aspects of citizen science projects in the field of culture. Deployment and visibility of the network: communication strategy, new members, feeding a web site.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field, online

ValEuRT History - archeology History - archeology


Vallée de l’Eure : une rivière, des territoires

Restituer et comprendre la dynamique d’occupation du territoire en interaction avec l’environnement naturel pour mieux évaluer les risques aussi bien archéologiques qu’environnementaux


La conduite de ce programme s’appuie sur des campagnes de prospections archéologiques et d’apports de connaissances auxquels tout un chacun peut contribuer, y compris la population et les acteurs locaux

Project created
French regions

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Case by case

Biodiversity Biodiversity


S⊙N⊙SYLVA le projet à l'écouté des forêts !

Initier un référentiel de la diversité sonore des écosystèmes forestiers Estimer l’importance de la pollution sonore dans des aires protégées Construire une sonothèque de référence des paysages sonores forestiers métropolitains


Mise en place d'un réseau de capteurs acoustiques à travers les forêts protégées de la France hexagonale et de la Corse grâce à un réseau de gestionnaires de ces espaces.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a quarter

Sauvages de ma Rue Biodiversity Biodiversity

Sauvages de ma Rue

Sauvages de ma rue (Wilderness on my street) is a citizens’ observatory from Vigie-Nature that lets urban dwellers learn to identify the wild plants that grow on the streets in their neighborhoods. The data are used for urban ecology research.

Sauvages de ma Rue

Participants carry out inventories of wild plants that grow on city streets. They note the presence of plant species from among 240 plants listed in the protocol and indicate whether they are growing at the base of a tree, on sidewalks, in the grass, etc.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Field, online

Level of involvement : Case by case

EcorçAir Environment Environment


Plane tree bark and fine particle pollution

EcorçAir proposes the construction of annual maps of fine particle pollution by measuring the magnetic susceptibility of particles deposited on the bark of plane trees in cities. EcorçAir is an observatory of PartiCitaE.


City residents are invited to collect plane tree bark in the city between mid-February and mid-April and send their samples for analysis to the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. They will then be notified of the fine particle levels measured on their samples.

Project created
All over France

Type of project : Field

Level of involvement : Once a year

Grippenet/Covidnet Medicine - health Medicine - health


Devenez actrices et acteurs de la surveillance des infections respiratoires

Recueillir directement auprès de la population des données épidémiologiques sur les infections respiratoires, par Internet et de façon anonyme. Il est en France, le seul système permettant d’étudier les symptômes présentés par les personnes malades qui n’ont pas forcément recours au système de soins


Ouvrir son espace personnel. À chaque saison (en général de novembre à mai), répondre ou mettre à jour les questionnaires préliminaire et de vaccination. Une fois par semaine, répondre à un court questionnaire récapitulant les symptômes ressentis ou non depuis la dernière connexion.

Project created
Mainland France

Type of project : Online

Level of involvement : Once a week